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Carpentry treatment product

Wood protection

Why treat a roof structure?

Ecological and robust, wood is an essential and widely used material for the construction of frameworks in buildings and homes. For all its qualities, wood is also a living material, subject to the ravages of time and the many wood pests. That’s why, in order to optimise the lifespan of a timber frame and preserve its heritage, it’s essential to treat the timber.

Factors in the deterioration of a timber frame

What are the factors that can damage a timber frame? Here are the main factors that can weaken a timber frame:

  • Wood-eating insects and insects with wood-eating larvae: these parasites are a danger to a roof structure. These pests can invade the structure of a frame, feeding on the cellulose contained in the wood. Wood-eating larvae and termites can dig galleries and weaken the structure.
  • Wood-decay fungus: these are biological agents that feed on wood and can appear on a timber frame if it is poorly ventilated.
  • Fire: unlike other biological agents, which act slowly and weaken a structure over time, fire is sudden and can cause serious human and material damage. Fortunately, fire protection solutions do exist.

Effective treatment products to protect the roof structure

Groupe Berkem has developed preventive and curative treatments to improve the durability of a roof structure and protect it from a wide range of stresses.

The Xilix range to protect structures from biological agents

Whether as a curative or preventive treatment, Groupe Berkem  has developed the Xilix range to combat effectively all the biological agents that degrade wood. This range of products is designed for professionals and provides long-term protection for hardwood and softwood structures in the home against damp, fungi and wood pests.

The products in this range are formulated as liquid emulsions or gels and are applied directly to the wooden structure for long-lasting, effective results.

The Xilix range to protect roof structures from fire

To combat fires and slow down the burning of wooden frames, Groupe Berkem offers professionals a fireproof treatment, Xilix 500 RF.

Applied to the surface, this product is an anti-fire protection that slows the spread of flames and limits the appearance of smoke.

All these products can be used alone or in combination, depending on the risks to which the timber frame is exposed.

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